
A Demonstration Against the “Rot” in Denmark

Friday, 01 Oct, 2010

A Demonstration Against the “Rot” in Denmark

A Demonstration Against the 'Rot' in Denmark

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English Translation:
Denmark, the well being country
Grind: Annual slaughter of thousands of dolphins in the Faeroe islands, Danish protectorat. 

Together, let's force Denmark to stop the slaughter of pilot whales in Faeroe islands. 

Support the campaign launched by Sea Shepherd and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation.

Sea Shepherd and the Brigitte Bardot Fondation held a joint media conference today to demand that the European Union enforce European regulations against Denmark to stop the horrific slaughter of pilot whales in the Danish Protectorate of the Faeroe Islands.

Today’s issue of LeMonde (French daily evening newspaper) carried a full-page ad sponsored by Sea Shepherd and the Brigitte Bardot Foundation.

The ad, designed by Christophe Bacquet, caught the attention of the public and controversy erupted when some French feminist groups denounced the ad for being anti-abortion.

“This is silly,” commented Sea Shepherd France President Lamya Essemlali. “The ad is about the slaughter of whales where the fetuses of the pilot whales are ripped from the wombs of pregnant whales. If it is anti-abortion, it is in opposition to the forced abortions of mother whales. Surely the feminist movement would not support a man approaching a woman on the street, sticking a knife in her belly and ripping out an unborn baby. That is what this is all about: The barbaric obscenity of the “Grind.” I would expect women to be sympathetic to our opposition to the slaughter. This just sounds like a few people who responded with a knee-jerk reaction to a picture of a pregnant woman and a whale fetus.  If they had taken a moment to think about what the ad was saying they would not have made such ignorant statements.”

Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Captain Paul Watson said, “Iceland and Norway are not members of the European Union (EU) because of their killing of whales, yet the Faeroes enjoy the benefits of EU membership although they do not belong to the EU because Denmark subsidizes the Faeroes and provides them with full EU benefits. Denmark must demand that the Faeroes comply with EU regulations if they are going to enjoy EU benefits.”

Captain Paul Watson, Lamya Essemlali, Christophe Marie, and Francois Xavier Pelletier with the body of a baby pilot whale and National Police in front of the Danish Embassy in Paris

Captain Paul Watson, Lamya Essemlali, Christophe Marie, and Francois Xavier Pelletier with the body of a baby pilot whale and National Police in front of the Danish Embassy
in Paris

Brigitte Bardot spoke for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation and denounced the barbarism of the slaughter the Faeroese call “The Grind.”

Christophe Marie also spoke for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation  and Faeroes Grind expert Francois Xavier Pelletier. Sea Shepherd France President Lamya Essemlali and Captain Watson represented Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

The media conference was followed by a large demonstration in front of the Danish Embassy in Paris. Over 200 people attended, as some 40 riot-equipped National Police officers guarded the entrance to the embassy, and effectively shut it down for three hours.

A coffin containing the body of a baby pilot whale that Sea Shepherd brought back from the Faeroe Islands was carried to the sidewalk outside of the Embassy. The body lay upon the European Union flag and was draped with the Danish and Faeroese flags.

Some of the policemen were shocked at seeing the body and many expressed sympathy for the cause.

Media from France and Denmark were in attendance.


Lamya with Volunteers from Sea Shepherd Brittany with National Police riot squad in front of French Embassy

Sea Shepherd and Brigitte Bardot Foundation supporters rally for pilot whales before Danish Embassy in Paris 

Sea Shepherd and Brigitte Bardot Foundation supporters rally for pilot whales before Danish Embassy in Paris

 Lamya with volunteers from Sea Shepherd Brittany with National Police riot squad in front of French Embassy

Grind Stop

Operation Grind Stop 

Visit our special Operation Grind Stop website and help us stop the slaughter of pilot whales in the Faeroes


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