
Actress Pamela Anderson to Visit Sea Shepherd’s Pilot Whale Defense Campaign, “Operation GrindStop 2014,” August 1st in the Faroe Islands

Friday, 01 Aug, 2014

The Press Conference will be Live Streamed Worldwide from Torshavn

Pamela Anderson joins Sea Shepherd in the Faroes to support GrindStop 2014Pamela Anderson joins Sea Shepherd in the Faroes to support GrindStop 2014Tomorrow, August 1st, Pamela Anderson will join Sea Shepherd in the Danish Faroe Islands to show her support for Operation GrindStop 2014, Sea Shepherd’s multi-national land- and sea-based campaign featuring hundreds of Sea Shepherd volunteers who are there to protect pilot whales and other cetaceans from the brutal and archaic mass slaughter know as “grindadrap”.

The actress and activist will join Sea Shepherd Global, Sea Shepherd USA and Sea Shepherd France for a press conference held at the well known Hotel Foroyar in Torshavn. The conference will be live streamed worldwide, as Pamela helps Sea Shepherd shine a spotlight on the cruel grind.

Please join us via our live stream as Pamela Anderson joins Sea Shepherd in defense of the pilot whales:

August 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm in the Faroes (and London)
1:00 pm Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rome
4:00 am PST USA / 7:00 am EST USA

Live stream link:

Pamela Anderson, actress and star of Baywatch, is a lifelong animal advocate. A longtime Sea Shepherd supporter and friend to Sea Shepherd’s iconic Founder Captain Paul Watson, Anderson has greatly helped to further Sea Shepherd’s mission to defend ocean wildlife worldwide. In 2012, she traveled to Germany to draw global attention to Captain Watson’s plight when he was held under house arrest in that country due to politically motivated charges from Costa Rica in relation to his efforts to stop an illegal shark finning operation.

Along with joining Sea Shepherd in the call for an end to the senseless ‘grind’ slaughter of marine wildlife, Anderson has also been a vocal advocate for the establishment of a resolution in Denmark that would ban this ritual cetacean massacre.

Also speaking at the press conference will be Lamya Essemlali, President of Sea Shepherd France and GrindStop 2014 Offshore Campaign Leader; and Rosie Kunneke, Sea Shepherd South Africa Coordinator and GrindStop 2014 Onshore Campaign Leader for the USA.


Faeroe Islands undercover operationFor hundreds of years the people of the Danish Faroe Islands have been driving pilot whales and other small cetaceans into shallow water and slaughtering them. Entire family units are destroyed. The Faroese claim that without the meat from these cetaceans, the people would starve. Whether or not people would have starved in the past without eating whale is irrelevant. There is certainly no one in the Danish Faroe Islands who would go hungry today, much less starve, if no more whales were killed.

Today, the ‘grindadrap’ (whale slaughter) or ‘grind’ is a barbaric and cruel relic of history that has no place in modern civilization. The wholesale slaughter of entire family units and the unimaginable horror inflicted upon these sentient, intelligent beings are unconscionable. The continued pillage of the oceans is causing disastrous consequences. Even the meat of these creatures is dangerous to consume. The European Union does not allow such activity, but the Danish Faroe Islands manage to side-step EU restrictions with their overfishing and harm to marine mammals. Sea Shepherd has led the opposition against the grind in the Faroe Islands since the 1980s.

Sea Shepherd’s multi-national crew of volunteers has been present on both land and sea in the Faroe Islands since mid-June. No whales have been killed during this time. Sea Shepherd will remain in the Faroes throughout the peak killing months of the grind season – until October 1st - and our goal is to bring the grind to a complete stop. The only grind this year took place on May 18, before Sea Shepherd arrived in the Faroe Islands.

Tensions have been rising in recent weeks and Sea Shepherd volunteers have experienced harassment, though some Faroese people have been supportive of Sea Shepherd’s efforts to end the grind and want to see an end to the whale massacre that stains their beautiful islands. No matter the opposition, Sea Shepherd volunteers will stand fast in our mission and will intervene in defense of the whales should a grind be initiated.

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