
Adverse Weather Ends Whaling Season

Saturday, 09 Mar, 2013

Sea Shepherd Fleet Sets Sail for Homeport

Sea Shepherd Fleet Sets Sail for HomeportSea Shepherd Fleet Sets Sail for Homeport
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Eliza Muirhead
After being escorted out of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary by Sea Shepherd Australia, the Japanese whaling fleet made an about-face and headed back south, not for practicality, but for a dismal attempt to show pride in their cruel and illegal slaughter of whales.  Severe storms have meant that killing whales has been an impossible task for the whale poachers.

The Sea Shepherd ships are en route to Seaworks Pier in Williamstown, Melbourne and should arrive in 11 days on Wednesday March 20th. The crews of the Steve Irwin, Bob Barker, Sam Simon and Brigitte Bardot will return knowing that the lives of hundreds of whales have been saved thanks to their efforts in what has been the most successful Antarctic Whale Defence Campaign yet; Operation Zero Tolerance.

“Because of Sea Shepherd Australia and its brave crew, hundreds of whales will be swimming north alive instead of being transported to Tokyo as lumps of meat.”- Bob Brown, Chair Sea Shepherd Australia.

“This is an historic victory for Sea Shepherd Australia and our supporters.  We have been honored to manage and lead this campaign for the whales, defending the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and in the absence of the Australian authorities, upholding the Australian Federal court ruling. I have been amazed at the bravery of all our ships crews and captains and disgusted with the whale poachers and Japanese Governments’ complete lack of respect for any life and Australian and International law.” – Jeff Hansen, Australian Director

“Sea Shepherd Australia would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to all those people that have made this campaign possible, from our donors and supporters, to our on shore support bases, to all the children and school groups that have toured our ships and given notes of encouragement and thanks to our crew and of course to our wonderful staff and the legendary and inspirational Bob Brown, our co campaign leader. I look forward to seeing everyone for a hero’s welcome and after-party with the captains and crew at Seaworks in Williamstown.” – Jeff Hansen, Australian Director


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