
Another Sea Shepherd Legal Victory in the French Courts

Thursday, 13 Jun, 2013

Another Sea Shepherd Legal Victory in the French Courts


Gooseneck barnacles in the wildGooseneck barnacles in the wildSea Shepherd Conservation Society France was awarded €20,000 by the French court of Quimper in Brittany today. Four Spanish poachers have been ordered to pay Sea Shepherd France €5,000 each after they were found guilty of poaching Gooseneck barnacles in French territorial waters. Sea Shepherd has another court case pending against Gooseneck barnacle smugglers that will be heard in France in January 2014. Gooseneck barnacles are in big demand in Spain where they are considered a gourmet food. They sell for up to 150 Euros per kilo on the Spanish market.

Congratulations to Sea Shepherd France President Lamya Essemlali and to Sea Shepherd Lorient for yet another legal victory following close behind the court verdict in La Reunion, upholding the ban on the killing of sharks in a French marine reserve. And a very special thank you to Arnaud Pelpel for his pro bono legal representation on behalf of Sea Shepherd France and the Gooseneck barnacles.

Gooseneck barnacles should remain in the sea and not on Spanish gourmet plates.  Media Link


Gooseneck barnacles are considered a gourmet delicacy in SpainGooseneck barnacles are considered a gourmet delicacy in Spain

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