
Australian Whale Defenders On Their Way to Antarctica Against Their Will

Tuesday, 10 Jan, 2012

Forest Rescue activists Geoffrey Tuxworth, Simon Peterffy and Glen Pendlebury have just left the Australian Economic Exclusion Zone onboard the Shonan Maru #2. They are now in international waters heading due South towards the coast of Antarctica. The Shonan Maru #2 crossed the line at 1915 Western Australia time at 38 Degrees 12 Minutes South and 115 Degrees 02 Minutes East, due South of the Southwest tip of Australia.

The Shonan Maru #2 is 16 miles astern of the Steve Irwin and both ships are heading South towards the coast of Antarctica, 1200 miles away.

“It appears that the Japanese have clearly abducted three Australian citizens from the territorial waters of Australia inside the 24 nautical mile contiguous zone. These men were removed from Australian waters against their will without Australian Customs and Immigration clearance and they do not have passports,” said Captain Paul Watson. “I can’t imagine three Japanese boarding an Australian vessel 16 miles off of Japan and being transported to Australia against their will and the Japanese tolerating this. Japan now knows they have been given a green light by Australia to escalate their aggressive tactics.”

Steve Irwin radar screen showing Shonan Maru #2 leaving the Australian EEZ with three Australian citizens onboardSteve Irwin radar screen showing Shonan Maru #2 leaving the Australian EEZ 
with three Australian citizens onboard


Divine Wind

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