
Australians Oppose Cull of Protected Great White Sharks by Barnett Government

Sunday, 05 Jan, 2014


Jeff Hansen Amazed at the public's supportJeff Hansen Amazed at the public support
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Omar Todd
In a national day of action opposing the Western Australian governments' new cull of Great White Shark's Policy, today thousands took part in protest rallies across the country. From Byron Bay to the Gold Coast, Central Coast, Melbourne, Adelaide, Bunbury, Broome, with the biggest turn out at Cottesloe Beach in Western Australia (WA).

Cottesloe is the home electorate of WA Premier Colin Barnett who is leading the charge for the killing of a protected, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red listed threatened species off the WA coast. So it was only fitting that Natalie Banks (event organiser and dive instructor) chose Cottesloe as the location for the WA rally. However, Natalie had no idea how the reaction from the Australian public would take the issue from a local WA one to a national day of action. Needless to say, she was pleasantly surprised.

In the early days of organising today's rally, Natalie reached out to various conservation groups who along with Sea Shepherd Australia,  jumped at the chance to help promote the rally and be a voice for our Great White Sharks. 

Today's event turned out to be the biggest rally/protest for the Great White sharks in Australia's history, with over 4,000 Western Australians standing up on the beach at Cottesloe, in defiance of the insanity of this cull.

Left to right: Jeff Hansen, Senator Rachel Siewert, Hon Lynn MacLaren & Tim NicolLeft to right: Jeff Hansen, Senator Rachel Siewert, Hon Lynn MacLaren & Tim Nicol
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Omar Todd
Inspiring, empowering and motivational speeches were delivered to the crowd and echoing over the Indian Ocean by wonderful speakers.  Representing the Green's was Hon Lynn MacLaren and Senator Rachel Siewert, who were joined by Ross Weir from Western Australians for Shark Conservation. Tim Nicol superbly represented the Conservation Council of WA and Labor was represented Shadow Fisheries Minister Mr. Dave Kelly. Sea Shepherd Australia was represented by Managing Director, Jeff Hansen. The Liberal Government was a no show.

Sea Shepherd Australia would like to congratulate Natalie Banks on a superb event, giving people all over Australia an opportunity to be a voice for sharks and future generations with the critical role sharks play in maintaining humanities life support, our oceans.

The 4,000 strong shark warriors at Cottesloe Beach did a massive about face and bowed to the ocean - in respect for the sharks and our oceans that we must respect, as our very existence and fate is tied to the health of our oceans.

People are now encouraged to write, ring or fax their local MP's and let them know that we want our children to grow up in a world with Great White Sharks, a world with oceans rich in biodiversity and life, and we are against this ridiculous cull of sharks.

This is a cull of a protected species that goes against the majority of Australians wishes, against the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act, against the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), against shark scientists recommendation, against the WA Fisheries report by the Bond University and against the wishes of the victims families.

Contact Premier of Western Australia The Hon. Colin Barnett

You can act to have your voice heard to save WA’s sharks by urging Premier Colin Barnett and the West Australian government to abandon their plans to begin a shark cull in Australia by calling, faxing, emailing and sending mail to:

Office of the Hon Colin Barnett MLA

Premier; Minister for State Development; Science

1 Parliament Place


Ph: (08) 6552 5000 | Fax: (08) 6552 5001

International: Ph: +61 8 6552 5000 | Fax: +61 8 6552 5001


Jeff Hansen Speaks for the SharksSea Shepherd Australia Director Jeff Hansen Speaks for the Sharks  photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Omar Todd

Event Organiser Natalie BanksEvent Organiser Natalie Banks  photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Omar Todd

 WA publis shows its support for the sharksWestern Australians for Shark Conservation (WASC) Founder Ross Weir talks & WA public shows its support for the sharks  photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Omar Todd



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