
Beware of the “Seal Shepherd”

Tuesday, 20 Jul, 2010

I, Captain Paul Watson, have been involved all my life in opposing the brutal slaughter of seals on the East coast of Canada. Throughout those years I have worked with many people to abolish the killing including Cleveland Amory of the Fund for Animals, Brian Davies of IFAW, Rebecca Aldworth of HSUS, Brigitte Bardot, Hans Weber and so many more but there is one person who I never met or worked with or even heard of and that is really incredible considering he refers to his Facebook group as “the largest anti-seal slaughter movement in the world!”

To my knowledge, this man has never been to the scene of the seal hunt. I do not believe that he has ever interfered with the killing of any seals and there is no person I know in this movement who has who has ever heard of him.

If you google “Seal Shepherd” you get zero hits on news items and a Facebook site with a couple of thousand “friends.”  A far cry from the 250,000 supporters he claims to have.

Who is this Seal Shepherd?

His name is Michael McDade, and he claims to be the world’s foremost defender of seals.

The very fact that he describes his group as the largest anti-seal slaughter movement in the world is blatantly delusional. No one has ever heard of it!  

All very bizarre and trivial except that he is giving the marine conservation movement a very bad name by allegedly targeting the children of sealers, threatening violence against those who disagree with him and distributing disturbing misinformation throughout the internet.

This man is to the animal and wildlife defense movement what the Nigerian fraud scam is to unsuspecting people who end up losing tens of thousands of dollars.    
He has actually implied that I am the “Seal Shepherd,” or rather that he is me. He signs messages sometimes as Paul and the association is designed to be close enough to confuse. He claims to know me – he does not.

As far as I’m concerned, he is plain and simply a fraud.

Captain Paul Watson

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