
Bid to Free Erwin

Friday, 20 Jan, 2012

Join the auction of two unique paintings and do your part to help secure the release of Erwin Vermeulen

Artist and Sea Shepherd Netherlands Director, Geert Vons, is offering two of his paintings to help raise funds for Sea Shepherd volunteer Erwin Vermeulen’s legal expenses. Geert is responsible for much of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s artwork and logos.

Erwin is still being innocently detained in Japan. He has been incarcerated since December 16 and is being denied contact with anyone other than his lawyers. Erwin was in Taiji documenting the dolphin massacre, in an effort to bring awareness to this horrific slaughter, when he was falsely accused of pushing one of the dolphin resort employees. The court proceedings will take place at the end of January. Erwin could face up to 2 years in prison along with a hefty fine.

These paintings are not only unique and beautiful; they support a worthy cause- an innocent man’s freedom.  The paintings will be auctioned online.  We will keep track of the bidding on our website. Participate in the auction and make a bid for Erwin’s freedom!

A bid can be placed by e-mailing

Please specify which painting you wish to bid on and include your telephone number and address details.


To learn more about the Cove Guardian campaign click here:

Bio on artist Geert Vons

Leap for Freedom

Leaf for FreedomArtist: Geert Vons

Size: 100x150 cms 3.28/4.92 ft.
Material: Acrylic on canvas

Minimum offer:  €1750/ $2250 US  
*postage not included

  • 1st bid of 2500 Euros already acknowledged


By bidding on the aptly named painting 
‘Leap for Freedom’, you help Erwin in 
making his own ‘leap for freedom’.



news_120119_1_1_Dolphinarium-bound_dsArtist: Geert Vons

Size: 100x150 cms 3.28/4.92 ft.
Material: Acrylic on canvas

Minimum offer:  €1750/ $2250 US  
*postage not included


This painting illustrates the dark side of dolphinaria: 
the dolphin massacres in Tajij. At the time of 
his arrest, Erwin Vermeulen was taking pictures 
to document this slaughter.


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