
Boycott South African Wines Until Whale Butcher Mike Meyers is Sacked

Wednesday, 03 Jun, 2009

By Captain Paul Watson

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is requesting that the government of South Africa dismiss the Butcher of Kommetjie Beach.

Fifty false killer whales were brutally executed by South Africa’s Marine Coastal Management (MCM) under the orders of Mike Meyers as angry and frustrated rescuers were physically prevented from assisting the whales.

The MCM is a disgrace to the nation of South Africa and Mike Meyers is a disgrace to the human race.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has had enough of the ecological stupidity and bureaucratic arrogance of the MCM and we are calling for an international boycott of South African wine until Mike Meyers is removed and the policies of the MCM are changed to reflect genuine concern for the welfare of marine species and threatened ecosystems.

Maybe the influential wine makers of South Africa can apply the pressure to remove this monster before he is allowed to kill again. If not, then our only remedy is to make Meyers into a very costly incompetent bureaucrat for the South African economy.

Time and again Mike Meyers has solved every stranding issue with a lethal solution. This time he arrogantly massacred an entire pod of False Killer whales before hundreds of citizens and before the eyes of the world as reported by television media crews. He was reported strutting about barking orders with a big grin on his face as his men walked along the beach callously and casually dispatching perfectly healthy whales like they were executing helpless prisoners in a mopping-up operation.

Unlike many of his past killings, this time there were hundreds of volunteers on a beach close to Cape Town and despite a call to rescue the whales, despite the ardent desire of the rescuers to save their lives, this mad-dog killer Meyers gave the order to put a bullet into the brain of each of the whales. As the public looked on and children cried, the assault rifles of MCM blew the brains out of one whale after another.

It was a savage, merciless coldblooded massacre directed by a man whose passion for slaughter is equaled only by his incompetence as a civil servant.

This bloodthirsty tyrant ordered rescuers forcibly removed from the beach as the rifles blasted the helpless whales. Before the cameras of the South African media, the compassionate volunteers were dragged and bullied from the scene of horrific carnage and threatened with arrest if they defied his orders to remove themselves.

Meyers simply called himself a scientist and proclaimed the animals doomed, and thus gave the order for execution. This man does not possess a single scientific degree. He is a bureaucrat, not a scientist, not a vet, and not even a former student of marine biology or any discipline involving marine species. In short he is an unqualified sadistic thug and an embarrassment to the government and the people of South Africa.

Later in an interview, he said the decision was made through a consultative process but could not name one scientist that supported the execution of the whales.

This report from someone who was there on the beach and witnessed the MCM thugs executing the whales:

“Take a look at what happened on our beach!! About 55 whales beached and the authorities came and shot them in the afternoon. Hundreds of people were swimming them back in. I swam 6 back, some of mine made it. Mike Meyer from MCM decided to clean up the problem and shot about 40 of them. Absolute bloodbath. In front of a packed beach with volunteers still clinging onto them, or some swimming them away from the police. I can’t sleep, eat, or think. I still feel sick about it all. I know if an animal is dying we need to put him down, but they did not make a big enough effort. At 11 AM the front loaders were already there to dispose of the carcasses. The majority of the animals were still strong and fighting, but they said if we object, that law enforcement would take action.”

We need people to send e-mails to South Africa demanding the resignation of the Butcher of Kommetjie Beach.

Please send off an e-mail to:





Photos Credit: Sophia van Coller


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