
Calling All Seal Lovers! - Rally at Red Lobster 07/30/05

Monday, 25 Jul, 2005

We need your help. The seals need your help.

The Canadian commercial seal hunt is the largest mass slaughter of marine mammals in the world.  This year alone Canada slaughtered over 320,000 seals in March and April mostly pups less than 2-months old that were bludgeoned, shot, and skinned some still alive.

The most powerful weapon we have to stop the slaughter is a Boycott of Canadian Seafood. We are encouraging seafood wholesalers, retailers, and sellers worldwide to join the Boycott in order to bring this slaughter to a permanent end. This boycott targets the very people who slaughter the seals: The sealers are fishermen, and every fishermen's union and every fishing and seafood company in Canada defends and supports the slaughter of seals.

Whole Foods and Legal Sea Foods are two major businesses who have already pledged their support of the Canadian Seafood Boycott.

We are now targeting Red Lobster. The Red Lobster restaurant chain buys more Canadian seafood than any other U.S. wholesale customer and can do more to end the $16M hunt than any other company.  

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and are seeking volunteers to organize and/or attend Red Lobster rallies around the U.S. on Saturday, July 30th!  We need to educate the public about the plight of the seals and the connection to the Red Lobster chain of restaurants.

The first round of Red Lobster demonstrations, organized and spearheaded by HSUS, took place on June 25th, 2005. Over 90 different restaurant locations were "targeted" by enthusiastic seal activists and the event was a big success.  

We would like to build on the momentum we have already achieved and your help is vital!

There are now several groups involved in promoting the second round of Red Lobster demonstrations on July 30th.  Click here for a list of confirmed demonstrations and contact information for the demo leader. If you don't see a location near you and would like to organize a demonstration, contact Ian at   You can locate a Red Lobster restaurant near you by clicking here.

Whether or not you attend the July 30th rally, you can still help make a difference and be apprised of the progress of the Seal Campaign by joining the Cyber Seal Navy today! We will send you occasional e-mail updates informing you of our efforts to save the seals and share with you many ways that you can help to end this brutal, annual slaughter.  Plans are already in progress for our August protests.

We can't let Red Lobster think that our demonstrations are done - we must continually remind them that we won't go away until the Canadian seals are safe.  You can be that reminder.

As you saw above, Sea Shepherd has unveiled a new campaign to target Red Lobster. It is aptly named our "Dead Lobster Campaign." Sea Shepherd artist/activist Geert-Jan Vons fresh from an artistic victory over Disneyland has now set his creative sights on Red Lobster. Geert's image needs to be widely distributed - on protest signs, on T-shirts, on billboards, and across the worldwide web. Click here to download a jpeg of the artwork.

To order your own Dead Lobster T-shirt, please visit our Online Store!


Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the animals!

For the oceans,

Michael Moore
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


Ian Robichaud

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