
Captain Paul Watson Receives Wildlife Warrior Award

Tuesday, 25 Mar, 2008

Captain Paul Watson Receives Wildlife Warrior Award

Australia Zoo held its annual VIP Breakfast where Terri Irwin made a special announcement honoring Captain Paul Watson.  At the breakfast, which is an annual event, this year's highlight was Terri's announcement honoring Captain Watson and Member for Glasshouse, Carolyn Male MP as ‘Australia Zoo's Wildlife Warriors' at the buffet breakfast with over 300 VIP guests.

The award was to recognize organizations and individuals, true heroes and Wildlife Warriors, who have contributed significantly to Steve Irwin's legacy and helping to keep Steve's dreams alive.

In December 2007, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Captain Paul Watson honored Steve Irwin by naming the anti whaling ship after the Crocodile Hunter. Terri Irwin partnered with Sea Shepherd and helped launch Operation Migaloo to intervene against illegal whaling actions by the Japanese whaling fleet.

Terri said honoring Paul as a Wildlife Warrior was a fitting choice as he too is incredibly passionate about protecting whales, which was something Steve was so passionate about.

"Paul is a Wildlife Warrior in every sense of the word. He puts his life on the line to defend the ocean's great mammals and in doing so, has saved 500 whales. What an effort. I know Steve would be so proud," Terri said.
Terri also honored long standing Member for Glasshouse, Carolyn Male MP for her ongoing support of Australia Zoo's conservation projects.



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