
Captain Watson Invited for Meeting at the West Australian Parliament

Monday, 27 Feb, 2006

Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, was the guest of Green Party Member of Parliament Giz Watson on Friday, February 25th, 2006 at the West Australian Parliament.

The luncheon was held in the Parliamentary dining room and included former Green Party MP Robin Chapple and Sea Shepherd Perth supporters Elize Steynberg, Graeme Falkner, and Jennifer Gibson.

The Parliamentary Chef prepared a special vegan meal for Captain Watson as he discussed the recent campaign to the Southern Oceans of Antarctica to oppose illegal Japanese whaling and Sea Shepherd plans to return to intervene against illegal whaling in December 2006.

Afterward, Captain Watson and MP Giz Watson spoke with Channel 10 on the steps of Parliament House.

Earlier in the morning, Captain Watson had done in-studio interviews with Perth radio stations 6PR, RTR, and Fremantle Radio.

In the evening, Captain Watson gave a presentation to over one hundred people at the Luxe Bar on Beaufort Street in Perth to ask for support to secure a fast ship capable of catching and staying with the Japanese whaling fleet.

On Saturday morning, Captain Watson drove with Sharon Wong to Freemantle to meet with Malcolm Hays and to tour the barkentine (sailing vessel) Leeuwin II. The tour was arranged by Sally Palmer.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society now has a strong support group in Perth to help us prepare for the return to the Southern Oceans in December to once again tackle the illegal Japanese whaling fleet. Thank you to Jenifer Gibson, Graeme Faulkner, and Elize Steynberg for organizing a wonderful public relations tour for Captain Watson. Your time, efforts, and generosity are greatly appreciated.

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