
Community Calls for Removal of Shark Nets from NSW Waters

Thursday, 05 Sep, 2024

Community members, organisations and politicians came together in Bondi last Sunday, September 1 to call for the permanent removal of shark nets from NSW waters, as they were once again reinstalled by the NSW Government ahead of summer.

Sea Shepherd’s Shark Defence Campaign lead an event at Bondi last Sunday – originally planned as a celebration to acknowledge positive work of the politicians had the nets been left out of the water. However, following a NSW Government backflip, and some nonsensical justifications, the nets went back in the water a day early on Saturday – transforming this celebratory event into a coalition of community voices calling for the permanent removal of all shark nets from NSW waters.

This event was a collaboration with the Humane Society International, Australian Marine Conservation Society and Envoy Foundation, and supported by our hosts Glory Days Café. Following an Acknowledgement of Country, we featured speeches from Gamay Rangers Senior Ranger Robert Cooley, Emma Hurst NSW MLA for the Animal Justice Party, and Paula Masselos Mayor of Waverley Council, followed by our own Jonathan Clark, Queensland Coordinator of the Shark Defence Campaign stepping in for our NSW Coordinator Hunter de Rusha.

Once speeches were completed, we moved to a community forum where Jonathan was joined by Drone Shark App creator Jason Iggleden and AMC Head of Campaigns Nicola Beynon.

Shark Defence Campaign Queensland Coordinator Jonathan Clark addresses the crowd. Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd
Mayor of Waverley Council Paula Masselos speaks to the press. Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd.
Gamay Senior Ranger Robert Cooley addresses the crowd. Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd.
Sea Shepherd Sydney Chapter Coordinator Torrey Klett speaks to the press. Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd.

The politicians’ messages were strong and very much in favour of the permanent removal of NSW shark nets as of course were all the campaigners.

Robert informed the crowd that had this event been ten years ago, he may have been on the other side, reflecting that true knowledge of what sharks nets are and what they do changes ones view. Emma Hurst reflected on the fact that many politicians from across the political spectrum have voiced their opinions against shark nets acknowledging their ineffectiveness and cruelty. Paula Masselos agreed that the NSW Government seems to have been attempting to shift responsibility for a net removal decision to councils but is still too weak to make the call for removal.

The evidence is clear. With a casualty list of over 100,000* and growing every single day, 90% of animals caught in Australia’s shark culling programs are not target species. This includes whales, dolphins, turtles, rays and even seals and penguins.

Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd.
Photo: Pierre-Alexandre Guernon/Sea Shepherd.

All agreed, as did the sentiment of the crowd that filled the Glory Days Café space, that the shark nets must go and that the technology that would make beaches safer and provide the public proper assurance is already here and been shown by scientific trials to be effective.

Shark Defence Campaign acknowledges all of the speakers and organisations that came together for this event and the wonderful support of the Sea Shepherd Australia Sydney Chapter’s volunteers.

You can add your voice to the growing number of community members, organisations and politicians calling for an end to deadly and ineffective shark nets by signing this petition and contacting your local MP.

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