
Controlled By Canada Network Defends Cruelty to Seals

Friday, 02 Apr, 2004

The April 1st, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) National television news broadcast aired a very biased pro-seal hunt piece. It was entirely one-sided and was simply a regurgitation of Canadian Department of Fisheries (DFO) propaganda about seals being a threat to the fisheries, the need for jobs, and more lies about how humane the slaughter is.

It is not surprising. The CBC is a Canadian government funded television and radio corporation. It is not surprising that for years, critics have referred to it as the Controlled By Canada Network.

Back in 1983, a CBC television crew were ordered off the Sea Shepherd II by the Canadian government. The CBC crew was on board to document the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's campaign to intervene against the east coast seal hunt.

Romeo LeBlanc, then Minister of Fisheries said, "The CBC as a crown owned corporation has no business reporting on the activities of an organization opposed to the policies of the government of Canada."

That statement was published in newspapers across the nation in March 1983.

It was an appropriate day for the broadcast for the CBC is trying to once again take the public for fools by reporting that there is no cruelty on the ice when hundreds of cases of cruelty are documented every year.

Rebecca Aldworth of the International Fund for Animal Welfare was given only a few seconds to rebut numerous government and industry spokespeople. She was the only anti-sealing representative shown.

What this report clearly shows is that e-mails, faxes, letters, telephone calls and media reports from the public opposed to this inhumane and wasteful slaughter, is having an impact on the government.

The Canadian government has unleashed their Public relations hounds on the issue and of course the easiest venue for distributing pro-seal killing propaganda is the CBC - still owned and controlled by the government of Canada.

The Canadian annual massacre of over 350,000 seals is the largest and cruelest slaughter of marine mammals in the world.

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