
Cove Guardian Radios Banned by Police in Taiji

Thursday, 09 Feb, 2012

The Police in Taiji keep changing the rules in their ongoing effort to protect the slaughter of dolphins at the infamous Japanese killing Cove.

With Erwin in jail for a third month awaiting a verdict on the charge of allegedly “pushing” a dolphin killer, the police decided to detain several other Cove Guardians today and they were informed that it is illegal to use their two-way radios in Japan.

These are the same radios the Cove Guardians have been using every day for two years and the same type of radio that Erwin Vermeulen used in his defense saying that he was in contact with the other Guardians by radio at all times when the alleged pushing took place.

The Wakayama Prefecture police informed Cove Guardian director Scott West that the use of the radios could result in penalties of up to one year in prison.

Four Cove Guardians had to sign statements admitting to the use of the radios and were then informed they were on notice and would be arrested if they were caught using the radios again.

The Cove Guardians will still be able to use radios but they will have to purchase Japanese made, Japanese compliant radios, meaning that the police will have the ability to tap all the radio transmission.

Operation Infinite Patience continues in the face of yet another obstacle tossed up by the police who act more as a personal bodyguard unit for the fishermen than as impartial police officers.

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