
Crew Taken Off the Brigitte Bardot

Wednesday, 04 Jan, 2012

Hit with deteriorating weather conditions, Captain Paul Watson has ordered the evacuation of most of the crew off the Brigitte Bardot and onto the Steve Irwin.

At 1200 Hours (Perth time) The Steve Irwin and the Brigitte Bardot were at 34 Degrees 38 Minutes South and 112 Degrees 21 Minutes East, a position 200 nautical miles from Fremantle, Western Australia and 120 miles off the coast of Western Australia.

The Japanese whaling fleet security vessel Shonan Maru #2 continues to trail five miles behind the Steve Irwin and the Brigitte Bardot.

“The port side pontoon on the Brigitte Bardot has become detached after 1000 miles of navigating through rough seas.” Said Captain Paul Watson. “We are taking precautions and the only crew to remain on board will be Brigitte Bardot captain Jonathan Renecle of South Africa, ship manager Simon Ager of Canada and first mate Beck Straussner of the United States and chief engineer Vincent Vandendridssche of Belgium. Four of the crew have been transferred to the Steve Irwin.”

The vessels are in five meter swells and thirty knot winds.


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