
Daily Telegraph lies about Sea Shepherd

Thursday, 24 Dec, 2015


Smart drum lines at Ballina. Photo: Sea ShepherdSmart drum lines at Ballina. 
Photo: Sea ShepherdAs Sea Shepherd is preparing the Steve Irwin to take on the four vessels of the Japanese whale poachers and two remaining tooth fish poaching boats, the Daily Telegraph has fired a torpedo into our side. We now have to use our energy and resources to fight the slander from the Daily Telegraph regarding front page accusations of Sea Shepherd tampering with smart drum lines off the NSW coast, said Jeff Hansen, Managing Director Sea Shepherd Australia. 

The Japanese whalers would be seeing this reporting from the Daily Telegraph and rubbing their hands together. The Daily Telegraph did not contact Sea Shepherd for comment. The article’s author, Geoff Chambers has in the past been slammed by the Australian Press Council for misreporting and the lack of fact checking.

Sea Shepherd Australia is obtaining legal advice regarding the Daily Telegraph on this matter," concluded Mr Hansen.

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