
Democracy Now! Interviews Sea Shepherd’s Scott West

Wednesday, 26 May, 2010


Scott WestOne month after the BP oil spill, Democracy Now! speaks to Scott West of Sea Shepherd, a former top investigator at the Environmental Protection Agency who led an investigation of BP following a major oil pipeline leak in Alaska’s North Slope that spilled 250,000 gallons of oil on the Alaskan tundra. Before West finished his investigation, the Bush Justice Department reached a settlement with BP, and the oil company agreed to pay $20 million. At the same time, BP managed to avoid prosecution for the Texas City refinery explosion that killed fifteen workers by paying a $50 million settlement.

For the rush transcript from May 20, 2010, click here


Scott West Interview on Democracy Now!
May 20, 2010

{flv width="320" height="260" img="images/videos/2010-05-20-Democracy-Now!-Scott-West-1-420.jpg"}2010-05-20-Democracy-Now!-Scott-West{/flv}

Democracy Now! Interviews Sea Shepherd's Scott West about the BP oil spill


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