
Gojira Joins the Rest of Her Sea Shepherd Fleet

Sunday, 05 Dec, 2010

Gojira Joins the Rest of Her Sea Shepherd Fleet

Gojira joins rest of Sea Shepherd fleetSea Shepherd’s fast new interceptor vessel the MY Gojiraarrived late afternoon on Saturday, December 4th in the port of Hobart after a near weeklong journey from her home port of Fremantle, Western Australia. Gojira was greeted by the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker vessels, the new Nancy Burnethelicopter, and a very excited group of international crewmembers anxious to begin their journey to the Southern Ocean to put an end to Japan’s illegal whaling operations.

After all vessels complete their safety training and replenish essentials, the fleet will depart Australian waters within the next few days to carry out their mission and stop whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

icon_movie_reel_30View the video of Gojira’s arrival in Hobart and joining her fleet for the first time during 2010-2011 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign, Operation No Compromise.

Operation No Compromise

No Compromise

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