
Happy 90th Birthday, Mr. Bob Barker!

Friday, 13 Dec, 2013


Bob BarkerBob Barker
Photo courtesy
Flickr Creative CommonsAll of us at Sea Shepherd Conservation Society are wishing Bob Barker a very happy 90th birthday today! Sea Shepherd’s staff and volunteers would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Barker, a dedicated animal activist and Sea Shepherd supporter, for all he has done to make the world a better place for the animals with whom we share this planet.

During his long-time role as host of the iconic game show “The Price is Right,” Bob Barker closed each show with a thoughtful reminder to his viewers to spay and neuter their pets, educating millions about the importance of taking responsibility for their companion animals. Today, he continues his animal activism, from speaking out against marine mammal captivity at facilities like SeaWorld, to quietly and generously providing the funds to transport many rescued animals to sanctuaries to live out their lives with dignity and in peace.

Bob Barker’s generous donations have significantly strengthened Sea Shepherd’s ability to perform vital conservation work, helping to further our mission to defend ocean wildlife and habitats around the world. We are forever thankful to him for his devoted and selfless support of our work.

Please join us in saying “Happy Birthday to an outstanding human being, our dear friend Mr. Bob Barker!”

Bob Barker and Captain Paul Watson


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