
Help Alexandra Morton Save the Wild Pacific Salmon

Friday, 10 Apr, 2009

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society believes that the passion of individuals is the force that will protect this planet. Therefore, it is our policy to support the efforts of people who are making a difference.

Alexandra Morton is the biggest thorn in the side of the captive salmon farm industry in British Columbia, Canada. She has been relentless in defending the fish in the field, in the media, and in the courts. Recently she won a major court victory to force the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to act to regulate the destructive salmon farm industry.

She has written this message with a request that we spread the word to get people to sign onto a letter to have the Fisheries Act applied to salmon feedlots.

Below is her letter. Let's give Alexandra a hand. Please take the time to click on her website to support her efforts to save the salmon and the Pacific West coast marine eco-system.



To: Captain Paul Watson

Dear Paul,

Eleven thousand, five hundred and twelve (11,512) people have signed a letter I wrote to the federal Minister of Fisheries and the Premier of British Columbia asking that the Fisheries Act be applied to the salmon feedlots to allow wild salmon to survive and neither government official has even acknowledged this letter.

Since I won in BC Supreme Court in February, the regulation of salmon feedlots is up in the air and unless the public keeps a close eye on this, could fall into careless hands.

If 1 million people demanded the powerful Fisheries Act be applied fair and square on fish farms, it would be done, somewhere between 11,512 and 1,000,000 is the least number of people required to see this through.

I am hoping that you are willing to forward this to your mailing list and let people know about this letter. I resend it every week.  I know people have an endless number of things coming at them, but all the hard work has been done here, this is the homestretch on this issue and the salmon need the people now.

The letter is at

Standing by,

Alexandra Morton

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