
Iceland Becomes Rogue Whaling Nation Again

Wednesday, 18 Oct, 2006

"I view the taking of a whales life in the same manner I would view the taking of a human life. It is murder and it is a crime to slaughter such socially complex intelligent and sensitive sentient beings. The method of killing is torturous and grossly inhumane. We would never tolerate a domestic animal to suffer such a long and painful death. Every person who regards themselves as civilized must express their disgust and their revulsion against the whale killing atrocities of Iceland, Norway, the Faeroes and Japan. These people who practice this horrific serial killing of whales are the most barbarous representatives of humanity upon this planet and cast shame upon their nations."

- Captain Paul Watson
Founder and President of Sea Shepherd

Iceland has announced that it intends to violate the global moratorium on whaling. Their whalers will target endangered fin whales in addition to piked whales (aka Minke whales).

Iceland now joins Norway and Japan as the world's three rogue whaling nations.

Iceland has become the North Korea of whalers displaying complete contempt for international conservation law and total disrespect for conservation and world opinion.

"The members of the IWC should impose economic sanctions on Iceland," said Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. "But they won't," he continues, "They have become a completely gutless and inefficient organization. Furthermore, the United States should censure Iceland under the Packwood-Magnuson Amendment."

Twenty years ago, on November 16, 1986, Sea Shepherd crew sank half the Icelandic whaling fleet and destroyed the whale meat processing plant in Reykjavik. That action was taken in response to Iceland violating the global moratorium the first year it was imposed.

Icelandic authorities refused to charge the Sea Shepherd crew despite Captain Watson turning himself in to the authorities in Iceland to demand that they lay charges. "They refused to charge us because they knew they were in violation of international law and they knew if they put us on trial they would be putting Iceland on trial."

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is working on plans to return to Iceland.

"At the moment our priority is illegal Japanese whaling activities in the Antarctic whale sanctuary.  All of our resources are being directed to the southern oceans" said Captain Watson. "But if we get the support to send our ships to Iceland next summer we will once again confront these ruthless Icelandic pirate whalers.

Icelandic officials contact information:

Prime Minister of Iceland Mr. Geir H. Haarde

Prime Minister's Office 
Stjornarradshusinu vid Laekjartorg
150 Reykjavik
Tel: +354-545-8400
Fax: +354-562-4014

Embassy of Iceland - Washington D.C., USA
1156 15th Street N.W., Suite 1200
Washington DC 20005-1704
Tel.: +1-202-265-6653
Fax: +1-202-265-6656

Icelandic Tourist Board

e-mail form at:

Prime Minister of Iceland Mr. Geir H. Haarde
Prime Minister's Office
Stjornarradshusinu vid Laekjartorg
150 Reykjavik 
Tel: +354-545-8400
Fax: +354-562-4014

Dear Prime Minister Haarde,

I write to express my disappointment at Iceland's recent decision to resume commercial whaling and international trade in whale meat.

Iceland now joins Norway and Japan as the world's three rogue whaling nations. Your country has become the North Korea of whalers displaying complete contempt for international conservation law and total disrespect for conservation and world opinion.

Iceland's announcement to kill 30 Minke and nine fin whales defies the International Whaling Commission (IWC) moratorium on commercial whaling - a decision accepted by your government in 1982. It was Sea Shepherd Conservation Society that convinced you, in 1986, to finally stop your illegal whaling.

Twenty years ago, on November 16, 1986, Sea Shepherd crew sank half the Icelandic whaling fleet and destroyed the whale meat processing plant in Reykjavik. That action was taken in response to Iceland violating the global moratorium the first year it was imposed.

Icelandic authorities refused to charge the Sea Shepherd crew despite Captain Watson turning himself in to the authorities in Iceland to demand that they lay charges. Your country refused to charge Sea Shepherd because Iceland knew it was in violation of international law and it knew Sea Shepherd were put on trial it would be putting Iceland's whale killing on trial in front of the watchful eyes of the world.

Sea Shepherd is making plans to return to Iceland next year to confront these ruthless Icelandic pirate whalers once again and I fully support this. Whaling has no place in the 21st century. It is cruel, unnecessary, and immoral.

I reiterate my opposition to the Government of Iceland's plans to resume commercial whaling and meat trade. I urge Iceland to focus on developing its far more lucrative and sustainable whale watching industry.

Please, make sure that your country doesn't need to stand trial to the world's opinion again.


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