
ICR’s injunction is denied in U.S. District Court

Saturday, 18 Feb, 2012

It is a victory for Sea Shepherd, for environmentalists; It's a victory for the whales.
-Charles Moure, Harris & Moure Law Firm

Steve Irwin and Yushin Maru 3February 16 was a successful day in court for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.  In Seattle the Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) presented their preliminary injunction in the case of the ICR vs. Sea Shepherd.

In Seattle, Sea Shepherd’s legal team, Harris and Moure, presented an outstanding defense against the ICR’s attempt to halt Sea Shepherd’s activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Judge Richard A. Jones denied the whalers’ motion for a preliminary injunction meaning Sea Shepherd has legal authority to continue anti-whaling activities in the Southern Ocean.  Judge Jones made it clear that he would look at the reason why SSCS is in the Southern Ocean as well as the events taking place there-in other words the ICR’s illegal whaling activities are under as much scrutiny as the whalers’ claims against SSCS. The Harris and Moure team has filed a motion to have the entire case dismissed from the United States District Court. This motion has yet to be ruled on.

Here’s a sample of how the hearing went:

Judge Jones: “Now, typically in the application of a preliminary injunction that is a straightforward task. But it is complicated here because, it seems plain to me, if I grant the injunction that plaintiffs are requesting, then the plaintiffs will, without a doubt, continue to engage in their activity of killing whales.”

MR. NEUPERT (attorney for plaintiff): "[What Sea Shepherd does] is akin to what the Somali pirates do in their waters."

THE COURT: "Counsel, don't you see a remarkable difference between someone approaching you with an AK 47 and someone throwing beer bottles with butyric acid?"

MR. NEUPERT: "I grant the court that there is a difference."

Read the whole transcript of the hearing and check back for updates!

Court TranscriptICR versus Sea Shepherd transcript of proceedings, February 16, 2012

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