
In Memory of Rich Severtson

Saturday, 21 Feb, 2004

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is saddened to report the loss of Richard Severtson.

Rich was a member of the Sea Shepherd Advisory Board and a member and supporter of the Sea Shepherd for many years.

Rich died peacefully in his sleep on February 20, 2004. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January.

Rich was a man with a great love for nature and was a fierce protector of marine wildlife. As an enforcement officer with the National Marine Fisheries Service, he shut down numerous poaching operations.

His undercover work even took him inside the People's Republic of China to investigate the marketing of illegally caught salmon in drift nets.

Rich was a great ally to Sea Shepherd during the 1998 and 1999 campaigns to oppose illegal whaling by the Makah tribe of Washington State.

After Rich retired from the NMFS he taught law enforcement classes and invited Captain Watson on occasion to speak to his class on high seas intervention against poaching.

He was a good friend to Captain Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd crew and he will very much be missed.

Dennis Thompson, his brother in law notified Sea Shepherd of Rich's untimely death and said "Rich loved the world and all creatures who lived on it. He served his country and his conscience impeccably."

Rich had requested no formal services or memorials. But we at Sea Shepherd will never forget him and we will always be grateful for the support that he gave us when we needed it.


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