
In Sadness We Mourn the Death of Captain Albert Falco

Monday, 23 Apr, 2012

By Captain Paul Watson

Albert FalcoThis Earth Day weekend saw the passing of one of the great defenders of our oceans and all of us at Sea Shepherd, staff, officers and crew, shore volunteers, all of us are saddened at the death of one of our most beloved members of the Sea Shepherd Advisory Board.

Captain Albert Falco died on April 21st at the age of 84.

He was born in Marseille, France on October 17th 1927. He died in Marseille.

Albert Falco was the former captain and chief diver of the R/V Calypso, a pioneer scuba diver and long-time diving companion of Captain Jacques Cousteau.

It was less than a year ago on May 25th in La Ciotat, France that Captain Falco officially launched the Sea Shepherd vessel Brigitte Bardot.

We were honoured and proud that he joined our advisory board for ocean conservation.

I followed the career of Captain Falco all of my life and I will forever cherish the times that I spent in his company.

The officers and the crew of the Calypso inspired two generations of divers and conservationists. Captain Falco, along with Phlippe Cousteau and Captain Jacques Cousteau were among the few men that I can say were of a great influence in my life. Sadly the world has lost all three.

Captain Falco saw the diminishment of biodiversity on our oceans over a span of nearly seven decades. He was dedicated to the protection of life and habitats in the sea. He was a legendary mariner and diver, oceanographer and conservationist and the world is a better place because of him.

He will always be remembered and honoured by all of us in the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Foret et Falco


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