
Japan Seeks Special IWC Resolution Against Sea Shepherd

Monday, 28 May, 2007

Japan is proposing to have the International Whaling Commission (IWC) pass a special resolution condemning Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

"We are not that concerned," said Sea Shepherd Founder and President Captain Paul Watson. "Sea Shepherd has been banned from attending the IWC meetings since 1986. We are the only non-governmental organization banned from attending the meetings because we are the only entity intervening to enforce IWC regulations against illegal whaling activities. We are very successful at what we do."

Captain Watson arrived in Anchorage on Monday, May 28th, to unofficially attend the IWC meetings. He will be speaking to the media in Anchorage concerning the heavy-handed tactics by Japan to stifle opposition to their outlaw whaling activities.

Sea Shepherd believes that Japan is proposing this resolution because they know that Sea Shepherd is capable of disrupting their illegal whaling activities in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

Sea Shepherd regards this special resolution proposal as recognition by Japan that Sea Shepherd activists are hurting illegal Japanese whaling interests.

Another issue that Sea Shepherd is watching and is concerned about is that New Zealand is seeking to work out a compromise with Japan that will support Japanese whaling activities in the Southern Oceans.

"There appears to be some major trade issues on the table," said Captain Watson. "New Zealanders will not be very pleased if their government condones whaling."


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