
Japanese Harpoon Vessel enters the Australian Twelve Mile Limit

Tuesday, 10 Jan, 2012

Japanese Harpoon Vessel enters the Australian Twelve Mile Limit

Yushin Maru with GEA tagEmboldened by their ability to enter the Australian contiguous zone without penalty, where they subsequently detained and removed three Australian citizens, the Japanese have now taken things one step further by entering the twelve mile limit of the Australian territorial waters surrounding MacQuarie Island.

The Yushin Maru #3 is presently (at 1400 Hours AEST) 5 nautical miles off the beach at MacQuarie Island. The Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker was attempting to shake the tail of the Yushin Maru #3 at MacQuarie.

According to a 2008 order of the Australian Federal Court, Japanese whaling vessels are prohibited from entering the territorial waters of Australia.

The Steve Irwin is now 400 miles south of Australia with the Shonan Maru #2 in pursuit at a distance of 10 nautical miles. The three Australian men who boarded the Japanese vessel remain detained on the ship.

MacQuarie Island is also a World Heritage Site and a whale killing vessel has no business in the waters of a World Heritage Site.


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