
Japanese Whalers a Priority for Sea Shepherd

Wednesday, 01 Jun, 2005

Sea Shepherd Prepares the Farley Mowat for a Campaign to Intercept the Japanese Whaling Fleet in Antarctica in 2005 and 2006

The Board of Directors of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has decided that the priority campaign for the Farley Mowat for 2005 and 2006 is to intercept the Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Oceans.

Japan has announced that they intend to double their kill quota of minke whales and that they will target for the first time in decades - the endangered humpback and fin whales.

Japan will be in violation of the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling set by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and they will be whaling illegally in the Southern Oceans Whale Sanctuary. In addition, they will be targeting endangered species.

Sea Shepherd must target this blatant proposal to slaughter endangered whales. We must therefore direct our resources and raise funds toward the objective of preventing the Japanese whaling fleet from killing the whales during the next Antarctic summer.

The Sea Shepherd vessel Farley Mowat will be heading to Australia in the late summer to prepare for a December departure for the Southern Oceans in search of the Japanese fleet.

The Society is taking applications for crew, and is seeking funds and material contributions towards achieving the objectives of the campaign.

Contributions towards the Antarctic Whale Campaign can be sent to:

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
P.O. Box 2616
Friday Harbor, WA 98250


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