
Letter to the President of the United States of America

Friday, 30 Jun, 2006

President George W.  Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 
Washington, DC 

June 30, 2006

Dear Mr. President,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you today to thank-you and your administration for establishing the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument.

This is the most significant Presidential contribution towards conservation of wilderness areas since President Theodore Roosevelt's establishment of 18 National Monuments, and it is the most significant contribution to marine wilderness conservation in the history of this nation.

Mr. President, with respect for the many duties, obligations, and challenges that you must deal with as President of the United States of America, it is my humble opinion that the establishment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument will prove to be your most lasting and most appreciated legacy as President.

I would only ask that you ensure that the United States Navy respect this Monument and refrain from testing Low Frequency Sonar in or near this Monument.

My organization, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and I heartedly endorse the establishment of this important Monument.  Please let us know if we can be of any assistance in helping to promote and protect this incredible area of marine diversity and all of the species of marine wildlife that this Monument will protect.

The world's oceans are under increasing threat in the 21st Century ranging from illegal fishing to global warming. It must be a priority for humanity to address these threats and find ways to defend and protect our seas.

Your establishment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument is a significant and important contribution to addressing this global problem.

Thank-you, Sir, for your vision and your action.


Captain Paul Watson
Founder (1977) and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


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