
Listen LIVE to Paul Watson at TedxSF Event!

Wednesday, 28 Apr, 2010

Sea Shepherd Founder and President Captain Paul Watson is speaking at the TedxSF event today on Tuesday, April 27th from 7:19 pm (PST) until 7:37pm.

Tune in live at:

What is a Ted Event?

Paul at TedxSFTED is an annual event where some of the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to share what they are most passionate about. "TED" stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design –  three broad subject areas that are, collectively, shaping our future. And in fact, the event is broader still, showcasing ideas that matter in any discipline. Attendees have called it "the ultimate brain spa" and "a four-day journey into the future." The diverse speakers have included Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Frank Gehry, Paul Simon, Sir Richard Branson, Philippe Starck, and Bono.

x=independently organized

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Their event is called TEDxSF, where x=independently organized TED event. At TEDxSF events, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including the “SF” (San Francisco event), are self-organized.

Author, captain, visionary, speaker, nonprofit leader

For 30 years, Captain Watson has been at the helm of the world's most active marine protection non-profit organization – Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.  Watson's career as a Master Mariner began in 1968 as a seaman with the merchant marines and with the Canadian Coast Guard. Watson was one of the founding members and directors of Greenpeace in 1972 and in 1977 founded Sea Shepherd where he has led over 200 expeditions at sea to defend and protect ocean wildlife.  Watson is a prolific writer and author. His published titles include: Shepherds of the Sea(1979), Sea Shepherd: My Fight for Whales and Seals (1982), Cry Wolf (1985), Earthforce!, (1993), Ocean Warrior (1994), and Seal Wars (2002). Watson is master and commander of the Sea Shepherd fleet and is about to set sail for the Mediterranean Sea where he will be defending the bluefin tuna from extinction.

Be sure to tune in Tuesday evening to hear his talk at TedXSF:

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