
Merry Christmas to the Greenpeace crew from the Sea Shepherd Crew

Saturday, 24 Dec, 2005

Merry Christmas to the Greenpeace crew from the Sea Shepherd Crew

The Captain and crew of the Farley Mowat send their best wishes on the Christmas day to the Captains and crews of the Greenpeace ships Esperanza and Arctic Sunrise. The crew of the Farley Mowat and both Greenpeace ships share the common experience of spending Christmas in the waters off the coast of Antarctica.

There is probably no more beautiful place on Earth to spend Christmas than these waters peppered with mammoth icebergs and waters where whales, seals and penguins swim.

This Christmas morning our crew were able to see crewmembers on the Esperanza for the first time as the Farley Mowat approached the Japanese Whaling fleet.

What can be more in the spirit of Christmas than devoting this time to serving the whales, the oceans, and the Earth.

"What we have in common with the men and women on the Greenpeace ships is that all of us our down here in these remote and cold southern waters to defend and protect some of the most intelligent and sociable mammals in the world - the gentle and great whales." 
- Emily Hunter, daughter of the first Greenpeace President and co-founder the late Robert Hunter
Quartermaster on the Farley Mowat

"We may have our disagreements on tactics and bureaucracy, but Sea Shepherd was born from Greenpeace and many of the original Greenpeace founders and crew were founding members of Sea Shepherd and crewmembers on Sea Shepherd ships. I have always respected the crews on Greenpeace ships and I believe that most Greenpeace crew respect Sea Shepherd crews -  and why not? We are engaged in a common cause and that cause is to protect life in the world's oceans. So, a very Merry Christmas to all of you on the Esperanza and the Arctic Sunrise. You have had a good week harassing those who kill our friends in the sea and we know the Esperanza is pissing off the Captains of the Japanese fleet because they can't shake off the pursuit."    
- Captain Paul Watson
Greenpeace co-founder and former Greenpeace director 1972-1977
Sea Shepherd founder 1977 and president

"It takes all kinds working together to make a difference. Be strong, be safe, and stick to your principles. Our thoughts are with you - Nice to see you today!"
- Casson Trenor from Seattle, WA, USA
3rd Cook on the Farley Mowat

"The only way to save whales is to save their lives. It is not about organizations. It's only about the whales and their future."
- Geert
Ship's artist from the Netherlands

"Happy holidays Greenpeace. Let's make this time special for the whales and chase these killers back to Japan or back to somewhere. Odin, I'll be waving to you from the Farley Mowat."
- Inde (Julia Faris) from Oregon
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"Feliz natal e um otimo ano novo para todos. Que nosso presente seja um "sushi de Baleeiros Japoneses," e que salvar os oceanos seja nosso presente para a humanidade. Abracos" 
- Gunter Schwabenland (Quartermaster)  
e Roberta Kleber (2nd Cook)
From Brazil

"We are not violent! We are collecting Japanese ship samples for scientific research. We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the best." 
- Pawel Achtel from Australia
Wildlife Film maker on the Farley Mowat

"Congratulations on finding the whalers and good luck with your campaign."
- George Evatt
Filmmaker from Australia

"What better gift to the Earth and her creatures than to take decisive action for the whales this Christmas. Join us in the spirit of cooperation. Cheers and Merry Christmas"
- Mandy Davis from California
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"Be Brave, be bold for the whales."
- Lincoln Shaw from San Francisco 
Quartermaster on the Farley Mowat

"Stick with the whalers like Christmas toffee to the teeth."
- Ron Colby

"Hold the fort guys. Three is better than two.  Nice to see you today."
- Kristy  from Melbourne, Australia
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"Peace to the whales."
- Simeon Houtman from South Auckland, New Zealand
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"I hope our campaigns are successful and it was great seeing you all today!"
- Justin Pellingro from New York
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"Merry Christmas to all. Safe sailing and flying."
- Chris Aultman from California
Helicopter Pilot on the Farley Mowat

"Merry Christmas and safe sailing."
- Dennis Marks from Alaska
Deckhand on the Farley Mowat

"Membre de votre organisation, comme de Sea Shepherd, depuis bien longtemps, je realise que votre action en Antarctique ne sauve pas la moindre baleine. A bord du Farley Mowat, l'objectif premier est de proteger chacune d'entre elle, avant de faire parler de nous. Avec vos moyens, nous aurions deja essaye de stopper cette chasse ILLEGALE et de faire comprendre aux chasseurs que nous ne resterions pas les bras croises. Alors, s'il vous plait, arretez de ne prendre que des photos et AGISSEZ ! Pas pour Greenpeace, mais pour l'avenir de cette planete !!!
Faites un cadeau aux baleines en ce 24 decembre 2005...
PS: Si les baleines venaient a disparaitre et que vous n'agissiez pas, alors que vous etes sur place et que vous en avez les moyens, vous seriez tout autant responsables que les chasseurs japonais !"
- Mathieu MAUVERNAY from France
embre d'equipage

"Kia ora crew. Well spotted aye. Keep harassing those whalers."
- Shayne McGrath from New Zealand, Aotearoa
Engineer on the Farley Mowat

"We, too, wish you all the best in your efforts to keep the whalers from whaling!"
- Sea Shepherd's Onshore Staff, USA

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