
Norwegians Set-Up Welfare Hunt for Seals

Tuesday, 21 Dec, 2004

Norway has allocated 2.6 million dollars to subsidize Norwegian seal killers in 2005.

There is no money in killing seals, so the sealers have accepted what amounts to welfare payments to continue their barbaric, inhumane, and archaic industry.

The Norwegian government, a nation second only to Japan as an oceanic habitat and species destroyer, is intent upon exterminating seals to support their unscientific belief that less seals means more fish.

The reality is that because harp seals primarily prey on fish that eat cod, the decline in harp seals means an increase in fish that prey upon cod.  Added to this, is the fact that European drag trawlers have reduced fish populations in the North Sea and the North Atlantic by over 90%.

Killing seals is simply scape-goating the animals and appeasing fishermen who have only themselves to blame for the collapse of their industry.

Norway is also sponsoring seal killing for tourists, which indicates that this nation has nothing but contempt for nature and little respect for the protection and conservation of species.  To voice your outrage, please contact:

Kjell Magne Bondevik

Prime Minister  
The Office of the Prime Minister
P.O.Box 8001 Dep
N-0030 Oslo
Tel: +47-22-24-90-90
Fax: +47-22-24-95-00


Svein Ludvigsen

Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
P.O. Box 8118 Dep
0032 Oslo 
Tel: +47-22-24-90-90
Fax: +47-22-24-95-85

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