
Operation: Infinite Patience 2012-2013 Has Begun

Tuesday, 28 Aug, 2012

Commentary by Melissa Sehgal

The “2012-2013 Taiji Dolphin Drive Season” is once again upon us and Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians are already on the ground in Taiji. We have arrived to the familiar darkness that looms over this small town that tries so hard to disguise the bloodshed while tourists continue to swarm the captive dolphin facilities. Taiji is definitely the unhappiest place for dolphins.

The slaughter officially begins September 1st and once again the eyes of the world will be focused on Taiji. The dolphin killers are preparing their boats, the Fisherman’s Union is preparing their tarps to cover up their shameful deeds, and barricades and police surveillance have multiplied. Taiji goes to great lengths to keep the world from viewing their blood-filled waters.

As Cove Guardians, we are sentries here in Taiji to shine an international spotlight on the atrocities…and our presence is making a difference. Each year, fewer and fewer dolphins are slaughtered and we will continue to remain a force here with your help.

We are volunteers that have traveled from all over the world. We have sacrificed the comforts and familiarity of our families, our friends and our jobs because we are passionate about dolphins and will not stop until the slaughter ends.

As with every season, the Cove Guardians will respect and abide by local Japanese laws, as we have standing instructions by Captain Paul Watson to do so per his promise to the Japanese government.  We do this in spite of our feelings of deep sadness and regret for what we once again are about to witness, because to do otherwise would mean we would likely land ourselves in jail and be forced to abandon the dolphins who rely on us to tell their tale.  If despite our best efforts, we do land in jail, the world will know it is not because of anything we did but rather simply because we dare to make a stand.

We want to thank our supporters who may not be able to travel to Taiji but have donated to help fund this campaign and who are a strong force with which to be reckoned via social media.  You are here in solidarity with us.

Be sure to visit Sea Shepherd’s official Facebook page to stay current on “Operation Infinite Patience.”  This year’s Cove Guardians campaign will also have its own Facebook page for you to “like."  Please also follow us on Twitter as we will once again be tweeting live updates from the front lines.

If you want to join us in Taiji as a Cove Guardian, we would greatly appreciate your on-site support. Please email to volunteer.

On behalf of all of the Cove Guardians, thank you for standing with us as we once again bear witness to Japan’s shame.   We are all Cove Guardians.

I am a Cove Guardian

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Join the Cove Guardians from wherever you are. Take action to help
stop the slaughter of innocent dolphins and whales.

For the dolphins,

Melissa Sehgal
Cove Guardian Leader

About Melissa Sehgal:

Melissa has traveled around the world campaigning for various animal protection organizations for more than ten years. Last season, she chose to be a voice for the dolphins of Taiji and joined the Cove Guardians. Realizing her passion and strength on behalf of this issue, she quickly vowed to return and also led an online campaign in which stopped selling dolphin and whale meat. Melissa’s determination and leadership skills have proven to be an asset to the campaign. She returns to Taiji this season as on-ground Cove Guardian Leader of “Operation Infinite Patience 2012-2013.”

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