

Wednesday, 04 Jan, 2012

Oceanic Research and Conservation Action Force

Laurens De GrootSea Shepherd Conservation Society has re-established O.R.C.A.FORCE and has appointed Laurens De Groot of the Netherlands to be the lead officer of this international, land-based Sea Shepherd unit charged with doing investigations and interventions against illegal activities, which exploit marine life and marine habitats.

O.R.C.A. FORCE will be able to go where Sea Shepherd ships cannot go and with less expense. Last year Laurens and Steve Roest led a Sea Shepherd campaign to Namibia to investigate the Namibian seal slaughter. It was a dangerous and controversial campaign but the end result was that they were both invited back to Namibia to meet with government officials to discuss ways to end the illegal killing of the seals in Namibia.

Laurens has been a veteran of numerous Sea Shepherd campaigns in the Southern Ocean and in Namibia. He is a former Rotterdam police officer and a student of martial arts.

The O.R.C.A.FORCE crew will be trained investigators and also skilled in infiltration, documentation, evidence gathering, and other related skills.  They will also be utilizing the latest technologies in satellite imagery, drones, and internet investigations.

O.R.C.A.FORCE will report directly to Captain Paul Watson and Laurens De Groot will have the freedom to direct his unit under his own guidance.  O.R.C.A. FORCE conduct will be consistent with the basic Sea Shepherd rules of engagement; not inflicting physical injury and working within the boundaries of the law in accordance with the United Nations World Charter for Nature.


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