
Report from the Farley Mowat

Tuesday, 27 Apr, 2004

The Farley Mowat continues to enjoy good weather and sea conditions as we head southward towards the Galapagos.

This morning, we had the opportunity to fully examine the ghost longline we retrieved from the ocean the evening before. It was 1400 meters, with 66 hooks, a strobe beacon, flag and pole and 9 floats. None of the hooks were baited and the line appears to have drifted for some time.

We remain on constant vigil for long lines, ghost or illegally set driftnets.

We saw numerous dolphins today, Pacific white-sided dolphins and Risso's dolphins. We also saw two Sperm whales with one of them surfacing ten meters from the port side of the ship where the crew were able to capture some wonderful photos of the magnificent whale. It was approximately 20 meters long and seemed to be curious about the ship.

The Farley Mowat has a crew of 25 international volunteers.

April 28, 2004 - Report from the Farley Mowat


The crew of the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat located the 2nd ghost long line of the trip today. 2000 meters of line were retrieved. There were numerous Styrofoam floats and 94 hooks attached to the line. The line appeared to have been drifting for a considerable length of time.

The hooks were rusted and the floats had goose neck barnacles attached. The ghost longline was found approximately 175 miles due west of Cabo San Lucas, Baja, Mexico.

Two large pods of dolphins were seen today. Pacific white-sided dolphins and spinner dolphins. No ships were seen and the sea was calm and serene from horizon to horizon all day. If only the rest of the world could enjoy such freedom and peace every day.

The crew of the Farley Mowat are keeping a tally of all hooks seized. The tally for the trip to date is 128 longline hooks.

Captain Watson also sent an e-mail today to the Los Angeles Times. On April 26th, an editorial in the Times accused Captain Watson of only being concerned for endangered species in his own backyard. The writer of the editorial clearly had no idea of what he or she was talking about considering that Captain Watson has spent over three decades protecting and defending endangered species and habitats worldwide.

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