
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Inspires Attendees at Sea Shepherd’s National Press Club Briefing on Monday

Saturday, 16 Feb, 2013

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Inspires Attendees at Sea Shepherd’s National Press Club Briefing on Monday


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Photo: Daniel SchwenOn Monday, February 11, Sea Shepherd held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to announce we had filed an application with the U.S. Supreme Court against Japan’s Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) — a government-subsidized front for commercial whaling. The action came in response to a highly irregular injunction handed down in December by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in favor of the ICR, which preliminarily enjoins Sea Shepherd U.S. from navigating “dangerously” and “physically attacking” or coming within 500 yards of ICR’s whaling vessels.

Sea Shepherd has since learned that our application filing has been denied, but we intend to file again before a different justice and are hopeful for a favorable decision.

Speakers at the press conference included lead counsel for Sea Shepherd U.S., Charles Moure of Harris Moure, Seattle, Wash. along with Sea Shepherd Administrative Director, Susan Hartland, and Director of Intelligence and Investigations, Scott West. They were joined in solidarity by esteemed Environmental Attorney and President of Waterkeeper Alliance, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who made a very inspiring and goosebump-provoking speech about the importance of Sea Shepherd’s role in enforcing conservation law on the high seas.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to Mr. Kennedy, Jr. for taking part in the press conference alongside Sea Shepherd. We are grateful for his solidarity, for his inspiring words, and for sharing our vital mission of upholding conservation law in the United States and around the world.

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