
Sea Shepherd Applauds Canadians

Wednesday, 30 Nov, 2005

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) and Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of the marine wildlife conservation organization founded in 1977, applaud the Canadian Parliament for their no-confidence vote in the current Canadian Administration.  Captain Watson, a twelfth generation native Canadian, acknolwedges with appreciation when he says, "We are proud of the opposition parties for taking their stance and hearing the voice of the people of Canada  As marine wildlife conservation specialists dedicated to preserving life, we have been frustrated by the disrespect and misrepresentations of our position that has been touted by the now displaced Canadian officials."

"We have a lot of confidence in the Canadian people," Captain Watson states, "and perhaps now that the government will be forced to listen to the voice of its people, they will hear our concerns."  For example, in 2005, a survey conducted by Environics Research illustrated that 69% of Candadians holding an opinion are opposed to Canada's commercial seal hunt.  Yet, the Canadian Government has failed to address the concerns of its citizens.  These concerns have been supported worldwide by the growing  boycott of the Canadian Seafood industry.

For thirty years, SSCS has been battling Canadian government officials to abolish the seal hunt, which has no apparent economic value to Canada.  Year after year, SSCS has appeared on the ice in its traditional non-violent enforcement endeavors to attempt to document, and where legally feasible, stop the brutal killing of these sentient beings.  Over the last three years, the Canadian seal hunt has killed more than a million of these precious marine mammals.

SSCS hopes that the new administration will acknowledge the concerns of its people and stop the seal hunt.

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