
Sea Shepherd Awarded Coveted 4-Star Charity Rating by Leading Charity Evaluator

Friday, 21 Aug, 2009

Sea Shepherd Awarded Coveted 4-Star Charity Rating by Leading Charity Evaluator

Charity NavigatorSea Shepherd Outperforms 75% of U.S. Charities and Achieves Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating for Sound Fiscal Management

Sea Shepherd, the most committed direct action marine conservation organization in the world, has been awarded 4-stars by Charity Navigator, a leading charity evaluator based in the United States. Less than one quarter of the charities evaluated by Charity Navigator have received 4-stars, their highest rating. Sea Shepherd's rating clearly indicates that it has outperformed most other charities in the United States and that it is amongst the best when it comes to responsible fiscal management.

"We are proud to announce Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has earned our 4-star rating for its ability to efficiently manage and grow its finances. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator differentiates Sea Shepherd from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust," said Ken Berger, President and Chief Executive Officer of Charity Navigator.

As the nonprofit sector continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, savvy donors are demanding more accountability, transparency, and quantifiable results from the charities they choose to support with their hard-earned dollars. In this competitive philanthropic marketplace, Charity Navigator highlights the fine work of efficient charities such as Sea Shepherd and provides donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in the charitable choices they make.

"Since the founding of Sea Shepherd over 30 years ago, one of our guiding principles has been to use donor funds as effectively as possible to fulfill our marine conservation mission to defend ocean wildlife worldwide. The trust and goodwill of our donors can never be taken for granted and we constantly work to earn it. Being awarded the highest rating from Charity Navigator is the ultimate confirmation of these efforts and a strong indicator to our donors that their funds will be utilized efficiently to save as many marine animals as possible," said Sea Shepherd's Founder and President Captain Paul Watson.

Charity Navigator's application of data-driven analysis to the charitable sector has been profiled by ForbesBusiness Week, and Kiplinger's Financial Magazine. It evaluates 10 times more charities than its nearest competitor and attracts more visitors to its website than all other charity rating groups combined. This makes it the leading charity evaluator in the United States. Charity Navigator's irrefutable data shows that users of their site gave more than they planned to before viewing their findings. It is estimated that in the last year Charity Navigator influenced over $10 billion USD in charitable gifts.

Sea Shepherd welcomes your donations on our secure donation page. Charity Navigator's review of Sea Shepherd can be viewed at:

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