
Sea Shepherd Calls On its Supporters to Oppose Gas Hub for Aussie Humpbacks

Friday, 13 Jul, 2012

Sea Shepherd Calls On its Supporters to Oppose Gas Hub for Aussie Humpbacks

Humpback Whales near James Price Point. Photo: Annabelle SandesHumpback Whales near James Price Point. Photo: Annabelle SandesThe Western Australian Government, headed up by WA Premier Colin Barnett is pushing ahead with gas factories at James Price Point, north of Broome on one of the world’s most pristine coastlines.

Woodside has already started drilling into reefs and to enable the big ships to come in, there would be further drilling and dredging up to 6 km out to sea. A jetty several kilometres long would also be constructed.

This area is the biggest humpback nursery in the world. Blue whales also pass through to calve further north of the spot. Constructing the gas factories and port would mean noise pollution, destruction of habitat and also boat strikes to whales. If the gas factories went ahead it would open the door to the industrialisation of other parts of the region and could lead to coal and uranium shipments out of the Kimberley wilds.

Dolphin researcher, Dr. Simon Allen says confirmation of a dwarf dolphin not previously recorded in waters off the site for a controversial gas precinct, demonstrates that the State Government's environmental impact assessment is sub-standard. A Labor MP’s polling has also shown 79 percent of the Broome residents are opposed to the gas-hub development.

The Joint Venture partners involved in this project BHP, BP, Chevron, Shell, Mitsubishi and Mitsui are being led by Woodside. However industry analysts believe that Joint Venture partners preference is to process the gas elsewhere. It is Barnett who is pushing for this site. We need to stop these $45 billion gas factories before the final investment decision in June 2013, as there are alternatives!

Humpback Whale mother and calf off James Price Point  -  photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley MediaHumpback Whale mother and calf off James Price Point - photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley MediaIf the Australian federal government Ministers cannot protect the whales in the Australian Antarctic Whale Sanctuary, then the very least they can do is protect them right off our coast where they are born. They can do this by sending a clear message to the Australian public that they do not support this.

It has taken over three decades for the Western Australian humpback population to bounce back from the brink of extinction, from the barbaric slaughter they endured from whaling. The last thing our Aussie humpbacks need now is gas factories and a giant industrial port in their breeding grounds.

Having massive gas export facilities at James Price Point would be like trying to have and nurture a baby right next to the noise of an airport, while having trucks going right through your house. The peace and tranquility of the humpbacks world would be shattered.

Sea Shepherd supporters, if you stand by us in defending the humpbacks in their Antarctic summer feeding grounds, then please stand by us in defence of their birthing grounds.

Please write to the Honorable Tony Burke MP, Federal Environment Minister, letting him know that you do not support the gas hub in James Price Point.

The Honorable Tony Burke MP
Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


The proposed site of the gas factories at James Price Point  -  photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley MediaThe proposed site of the gas factories at James Price Point - 
photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley Media

The proposed site of the gas factories at James Price Point  -  photo: Adam Monk www.adammonk.comThe proposed site of the gas factories at James Price Point - 
photo: Adam Monk

Whale and calf off James Price Point  -  photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley MediaWhale and calf off James Price Point - photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley Media Humpback Whale off James Price Point  -  photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley MediaHumpback Whale off James Price Point - photo: Annabelle Sandes/Kimberley Media


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