
Sea Shepherd Clashes With Whaling Fleet in Australian Waters

Saturday, 27 Dec, 2008

0730 GMT December 26th, 2008
Australian Antarctic Territorial Waters

flag_japan_tinyJapanese translation available 

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Steve Irwin closed in on one of the vessels of the Japanese whaling fleet at 0730 Hours GMT (1930 Hours Sydney Time) on December 26th off the coast of the Australian Antarctic Territory north of the Mawson Peninsula.

The Kaiko Maru emerged from dense fog in front of the Steve Irwin. The Sea Shepherd crew pursued and delivered 10 bottles of rotten butter and 15 bottles of a methyl cellulose and indelible dye mixture.

"That is one stinky slippery ship," said Sea Shepherd 2nd Officer Peter Hammarstedt of Sweden.

The Japanese ship was ordered out of the territorial waters of Australia by Australian citizen Jeff Hansen from Perth, Western Australia. The message was delivered in Japanese.

As the Steve Irwin came alongside the starboard side of the Kaiko Maru, the whaler steered hard to starboard and struck the Steve Irwin lightly crushing part of the aft port helicopter deck guard rails on the Sea Shepherd ship. There was no serious damage to either ship. 

The Sea Shepherd crew's objective was to intimidate the Japanese fleet and to keep them moving Eastward out of Australian Territorial waters. The Sea Shepherd crew have been pursuing the fleet eastward for a week. There is only 90 miles left before the fleet enters the New Zealand Zone.

"Our objective now is to chase them out of Australia's Economic Exclusion Zone," said Captain Paul Watson. "I have a chart here and it clearly states that these waters are Australian EEZ. There is an Australian Federal Court Order specifically prohibiting these ships from whaling in these waters. We have informed the whalers they are in contempt of this Court ruling."

There is no doubt that Japanese whaling in Australian waters has been severely disrupted. Since Saturday, the Sea Shepherd crew have chased the Japanese fleet for 400 miles through heavy fog, dense ice and nasty weather. During that time they have not been able to kill any whales.

"We still have them on the run and we intend to keep them on the run for as long as our fuel resources allow," said Captain Watson.



photos credit: Eric Cheng / Sea Shepherd 


シーシェパード 豪州領海内で日本捕鯨船と衝突

0730 GMT December 26th, 2008




「異臭を放つ滑りやすい船だ」とスェーデン出身の第二仕官Peter Hammarstedtはコメントした。

日本船は西オーストラリア・パース出身のJeff Hansenによって直ちにオーストラリアの領海から退去することを命じられた。この通達は日本語に翻訳して伝えられた。



「今後の我々の目的は日本捕鯨船団を豪州排他的経済水域から追い出すことだ」とキャプテン ポール・ワトソンは述べた。「私の目の前にはこの水域が豪州排他的経済だと証明する海図がある。豪州連邦裁判所は日本捕鯨船団による一切の捕鯨活動を禁止している。それでもなお捕鯨活動を続ける日本船団の行動は侮辱行為に他ならない」。

「我々は今後も捕鯨船団を追跡し続け、我々の燃料が続く限り彼らを追い続ける」とキャプテン ワトソンは述べた。


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