
Sea Shepherd En Route to the Coast of Brazil

Tuesday, 10 Aug, 2004

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society flagship Farley Mowat departed from Curacao on August 8th for the port of Sao Luis on the coast of Brazil.

On August 10th, the Farley Mowat headed southward along the coast of Suriname. The ship is being skippered by Captain Daniel Vairo of Brazil. Captain Paul Watson will rejoin his ship later this month in Sao Luis.

Captain Danny Vairo first joined Sea Shepherd in 1992 and participated as a volunteer crewmember on the Newfoundland Cod campaign in 1993, in the campaign against illegal Norwegian whaling in 1994, and in the campaign to oppose the Makah whale hunt in 1998. He earned his sea time with Sea Shepherd and graduated from the California Marine Academy as a navigation officer.

Danny Vairo along with Alexandre Castro and Captain Paul Watson co-founded Instituto Sea Shepherd Brazil.

The Farley Mowat will be working under the direction of Insitituto Sea Shepherd Brazil for the next five months, patrolling offshore Brazilian national parks to intervene against illegal fishing operations.

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