
Sea Shepherd Needs Crew for Antarctica

Thursday, 02 Jun, 2005

Voyage from Florida to Galapagos to Australia to Antarctica

August 2005 - February 2006


Volunteers Needed.  No Pay.  Long Hours.  Dangerous Conditions.  Extreme 

Weather.  Icebergs.  Confrontation with Hostile  Japanese Whalers.

Christmas in Antarctica - Preference given to crew  who can  give the most time.

Sea Shepherd provides bunk, bedding, food and water.

No Whiners, Malcontents, Mattress Lovers, and Wimps need apply.

Is a whale worth risking your life for?

If not, we don't need you.

We are looking for Navigators, Sailors, Engineers, Mechanics, Electricians,  Carpenters,  Airplane Pilots,  Cooks, Doctors, Medics or Nurses,   Small Boat Operators, Scuba Divers, Photographers, Videographers, Computer Specialists,  Welders, and even a few Unskilled Dedicated Whale Defenders.

Our objective is to intercept the Japanese Whaling Fleet and to protect the minke, humpback and fin whales they have targeted for slaughter in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary. Our objective is

to uphold International Conservation Law.

Join Us and Lets Do It.

Please download and fill out our crew application today!
[PDF format or Microsoft Word]

And if you can't crew, please become part of our OnshoreSupport Crew
We also need to Raise Funds and Materials.

The Whales Need You. We Need You.

Become a Shepherd of the Sea.

-        Captain Paul Watson
-       Master - The Farley Mowat

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