
Sea Shepherd Receives € 900,000 from Dutch National Postcode Lottery

Friday, 15 Feb, 2013

Sea Shepherd Receives € 900,000 from Dutch National Postcode Lottery


Geert Vons and Daan Molenaar receiving the Cheque from Judith LingemanGeert Vons and Daan Molenaar receiving the check from Judith Lingeman
Photo: Roy BeuskerThe annual Goed Geld Gala (Good Money Gala) given by the Dutch National Postcode Lottery was held at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam on February 13th. Drs. Geert Vons, General Director for Sea Shepherd Netherlands and Daan Molenaar, Treasurer and Sea Shepherd Netherlands board member, attended the gala on behalf of Sea Shepherd Netherlands. Judith Lingeman, Charities Manager for the Dutch Postcode Lottery presented the pair with a check for € 900.000.

The distinguished guest of honor for the event former President of the United States, Bill Clinton praised the Postcode Lottery for creating “ an experience of positive interdependence.” Half of the money from every lottery ticket sold goes directly to charity. The National Postcode Lottery, which was founded in 1989 to support charities, donated a record amount of 291 million Euros to over 85 charities. The National Postcode Lottery has already donated over 4.6 billion USD to environmental and humanitarian charities. The Dutch National Postcode Lottery is the third largest private charitable donor worldwide.

Sea Shepherd has gratefully received an annual financial contribution of €900,000 from the Postcode Lottery since 2007. Recently this collaboration was assessed and approved for continutation by the Lottery’s Board of Commissioners. “Living creatures in the world's oceans are faring badly and whales are still being hunted. This is why the National Postcode Lottery feels it is important to continue supporting Sea Shepherd and is looking forward to continuing the collaboration,” said Judith Lingeman. It was decided that the structural support would continue at least through 2017.

More information can be found at:

All Beneficiaries of the National Postcode Lottery with the guest of honor and former President of the United States, Bill ClintonAll Beneficiaries of the National Postcode Lottery with the guest of honor and former President of the United States, Bill Clinton
Photo: Roy Beusker

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