
Sea Shepherd Receives an additional €1 Million Euros from the Dutch National Postcode Lottery

Saturday, 20 Feb, 2010

Extra funds to support ongoing project to protect the Galapagos Marine Reserve

National Postcode LotteryOn February 4th, 2010, at the Goed Geld Gala in Utrecht, the Netherlands, the Dutch National Postcode Lottery not only donated the annual amount of half a million Euros, they also handed over an additional check worth €1 million to Geert Vons, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s General Director of the Netherlands and Alex Cornelissen, Director of Operations, Galapagos. The extra funds will support a specific project in Sea Shepherd's ongoing efforts to protect the Galapagos, a UN World Heritage Site.

Despite clear rules and legislation, commercial fisheries are still exploiting the legally protected Galapagos Marine Reserve. In particular, the illegal finning of sharks, the catching of tuna, marlin and other illegal poaching activities form a serious threat for the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

With this special project funding, Sea Shepherd will both logistically and financially support the local authorities to protect this delicate and unique ecosystem. A primary goal of this project is to set up an “Automatic Identification System” for vessels. This will enable all the authorities and organizations involved to monitor illegally operating fishing vessels and to act instantly to enforce exiting regulations.

The Dutch National Postcode Lottery funding has made this project to stop illegal poaching possible, thus enabling Sea Shepherd to better protect the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Sea Shepherd is extremely grateful for the support it has received.

Since 1989, the Dutch National Postcode Lottery has donated almost €3 billion to support good causes. This year, 75 social and environmental organizations will receive €513 million from the Dutch National Postcode Lottery.

National Postcode Lottery group photo

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