
Sea Shepherd Receives French Support

Saturday, 19 Dec, 2009

The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin has been given a warm welcome by the French Research base at Dumont d’ Urville.

On Friday, December 18, Sea Shepherd helicopter pilot Chris Aultman and Steve Irwin’s First Officer Locky MacLean visited the French base.

The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin had been given permission to enter the Territorial waters of France. The Japanese harpoon vessel tailing the Steve Irwin neither requested nor was granted permission to enter the French waters. They did so regardless and in complete contempt of French sovereignty.

Marie France Roy, the District Chief for Terre Adelie presented Locky MacLean with a plaque for the Steve Irwin and a letter of support.

In it she writes, “Our sympathy goes out towards this ship’s activities in enforcing the recommendations of the International Whaling Commission.”

The Steve Irwin will remain at anchor off the Adelie Coast for three days to await back up from the Sea Shepherd vessel Ady Gil.

“Once we unite with our other vessel we should be in a position to seriously turn the tables on this Japanese security ship that is stalking us,” said Captain Paul Watson.

click to read:

Marie-France ROY letter from Antarctica (En)
Marie-France ROY letter from Antarctica (Fr)


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