
Sea Shepherd Receives one Million Euros from the Dutch National Postcode Lottery

Saturday, 12 Feb, 2011

Sea Shepherd Receives one Million Euros from the Dutch National Postcode Lottery

SSCS CEO Steve Roest, and Dutch Board Member Laurens de Groot, receiving check from Dutch Postcode Lottery.SSCS CEO Steve Roest, and Dutch Board Member Laurens de Groot, receiving check from Dutch Postcode Lottery.
(photo: Roy Beusker)On February 9th, just hours after the Gojira intercepted the Japanese Nisshin Maru whaling death ship in the Southern Ocean, Sea Shepherd's Chief Executive Officer Steve Roest and Dutch Board Member Laurens de Groot collected a check for one million euros from the Dutch Postcode Lottery in the Netherlands. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society saw their award from the Dutch Postcode Lottery double from the amount they received in previous years, as presented during the spectacular annual Goed Geld Gala (Good Money Gala).

A very special guest, Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima, took to the stage to congratulate the charities for their noble and vital work, at this year’s event. Her Royal Highness also thanked the Postcode Lottery for their amazing contribution again this year. The event was hosted by Boudewijn Poelmann, Chairman of the lottery, who spoke in more detail about the work of the charities and not-for-profit organizations that do so much incredible work around the world.

Princess Máxima of the Netherlands giving a speechPrincess Máxima of the Netherlands giving a speech
(photo: Fred Ernst)

"Sea Shepherd's relationship with the Dutch Postcode Lottery started with Captain Alex Cornelissen two years ago, we have since then created a close bond with them and are incredibly grateful for all they have done for us. Unfortunately as Captain of the Bob Barker, Alex is at this time chasing the Nisshin Maru and saving the lives of

whales in the Antarctic, so he could not be here tonight," said CEO Steve Roest. "I am extremely proud to be here with Laurens to accept this award on behalf of Captain Paul Watson, everyone at Sea Shepherd, and of course the inhabitants of the oceans we protect. We will make sure this extra funding will be used to provide an additional campaign this year to protect our oceans."

"The increase from €500,000 last year, to €1 Million this year is a clear indication of how supportive the people of the Netherlands and the Postcode Lottery are of the international marine conservation operations that Sea Shepherd undertakes," said Laurens de Groot, "I'm very proud to be Dutch tonight," he added.

The Dutch Postcode Lottery was founded 20 years ago as a means to raise money for organizations that advocate for nature conservation, environmental protection, victims of war, and victims of violence and poverty. Half the money raised annually through this lottery is donated to carefully selected non-profit organizations. Since its founding in 1989, the Dutch Postcode Lottery has donated in excess of 3 billion euros as part of its commitment to aid non-profit organizations in the essential work they undertake. Sea Shepherd is very honored and proud to be one the charities supported by the Dutch National Postcode Lottery.

Dutch Postcode Lottery group photo, credit to Roy Beusker.Dutch Postcode Lottery group photo (photo: Roy Beusker)

 (L to R) Dutch natives Geert-Jan Vons and Captain Alex Cornelissen on the Bob Barker.(L to R) Dutch natives Geert-Jan Vons and Captain Alex Cornelissen on the Bob Barker.
(photo: Gary Stokes)

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