
Sea Shepherd Relocates the Japanese Whaling Fleet

Sunday, 01 Feb, 2009

Sea Shepherd Relocates the Japanese Whaling Fleet

flag_japan_tinyJapanese translation

After almost a week of battling dense fog and heavy winds and swells the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Steve Irwin has once more found the Japanese whaling fleet.

The fleet was located at 0930 Hours at the position of 67 Degrees 18 Minutes South and 163 Degrees 52 Minutes West.

"We are 7 miles from the fleet and approaching. We see the Nisshin Maru and two harpoon vessels the Yushin Maru #1 and the Yushin Maru #2," said Captain Paul Watson. "They appear to be whaling and are not moving. If we don't catch up with them before they begin to move, we are close enough now that we will not lose the Nisshin Maru."

There is a lot of loose ice and moderate patches of fog. The winds are at forty knots which means the helicopter cannot be deployed.

The Steve Irwin is now in close pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet. 



Japanese harpoon whaling vessel, the Yushin Maru No. 3 (foreground) and factory ship, 
the Nisshin Maru (background) flee Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin 
(Photo by Stephen Roest/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)


Japanese harpoon whaling vessel, the Yushin Maru No. 1, sails through 
treacherous ice fields during a pursuit with Sea Shepherd vessel the Steve Irwin
(Photo by Adam Lau/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)


Japanese harpoon whaling vessel, the Yushin Maru No. 3 (foreground) and factory ship, 
the Nisshin Maru (background) flee Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin
(Photo by Adam Lau/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)


環境保護団体シーシェパード スティーブ・アーウィン号からの報告


シドニー時間午前9時30分、捕鯨船団は南緯67度18分 西経163度52分に位置していた。タスマニアのホバート南東2100海里、ロス海にいる。





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