
Sea Shepherd Ship Severely Damaged by Rogue Wave

Thursday, 29 Dec, 2011

Steve Irwin Responding to Distress Call from the Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte BardotBrigitte Bardot in the Mediterranean 
photo: Michelle McCarronWhile fighting heavy seas in pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet, the Sea Shepherd scout vessel Brigitte Bardot was struck by a rogue wave that has cracked the hull and severely damaged one of the pontoons on the vessel.

Captain Paul Watson, onboard the Sea Shepherd flagship Steve Irwin, reports that they are fighting heavy seas to reach the position of the Brigitte Bardot some 240 miles to the southeast. It is expected to take twenty hours to reach the damaged vessel.

The Brigitte Bardot is at 51 degrees 42 minutes South and 99 Degrees 21 minutes East, or 1500 miles southwest of Fremantle, Western Australia.

Brigitte Bardot Captain Jonathan Miles Renecle of South Africa was pursuing the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru in six meter swells when the wave slammed into the port side of the vessel cracking the hull. The crack has been getting wider as the seas continue to pound the vessel.

Captain Renecle is confident that the ship will stay afloat until the Steve Irwin arrives. The Brigitte Bardot has a crew of ten: three British, three American, one Australian, one Canadian, one Belgian and one South African.

The Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker will continue in pursuit of the whaling fleet. The Steve Irwin will assist the Brigitte Bardot, first to see to the safety of the crew, and then to escort the vessel to Fremantle for repairs.

“This is disappointing but these are hostile seas and we have always been prepared for situations like this,” Said Captain Paul Watson from the Steve Irwin. “Right now the safety of my crew on the Brigitte Bardot is our priority and we intend to reach the crew and then do what we can to save our ship.”

Check this site for continued updates

Brigitte Bardot CrewBrigitte Bardot crew, with Capt. Jonathan Renecle at far right - photo: Simon Ager Brigitte Bardot and Steve IrwinBrigitte Bardot and Steve Irwin patrolling the Faeroe Islands during Operation Ferocious Isles
Eight meter swells Impact damage
Brigitte Bardot damage Brigitte Bardot damage
top left: Eight foot swells; other photos: Impact damage. credit: Simon Ager/Sea Shepherd


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