
Sea Shepherd Teams Up With Lonely Planet to Save the Whales

Friday, 08 Dec, 2006

Sea Shepherd Teams Up With Lonely Planet to Save the Whales

Captain Paul Watson with Lonely Planet founders Tony & Maureen Wheeler

On December 7th, Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd International Director Jonny Vasic were invited by Lonely Planet founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler to give a presentation to Lonely Planet employees at their headquarters in Melbourne, Australia.

Lonely Planet provides travelers everywhere with reliable, comprehensive, and independent travel information. They have published over 600 titles in English and cover every corner of the planet. Their guidebooks are also published in a number of languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, Korean, and Japanese.

Lonely Planet is now featuring a link to Sea Shepherd on their home page and a link to to persuade Australians to support 100% Aussie beer brands over Japanese-owned beer. Bluetongue Brewery is hosting the whalesafebeer website and supporting Sea Shepherd's campaign to save the whales from the Japanese whale-killers.

The posting of our website address on the Lonely Planet homepage will certainly contribute to making people the world over more aware of the marine conservation activism and whale-saving mission of Sea Shepherd. Thank you to the Wheelers and everyone at Lonely Planet!

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