Sea Shepherd volunteer Verne' Dove receives prestigious award
Saturday, 28 Feb, 2015
Sea Shepherd would like to recognize volunteer field veterinarian Dr. Verne’ Dove on winning an alumnus achievement award from the University of Melbourne recently.
Verne’ graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2004 with a double degree in Veterinary Science (Honours) and Animal Science, studying marine mammal pathology. Verne’ spent four years in Cambodia as a volunteer veterinarian investigating the Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphin strandings and to determine the possible causes of very high and unsustainable mortality rates of calves. This work resulted in her being appointed to two IUCN-SSC (International Union for Conservation and Nature – Species Survival Commission) specialist groups in 2011; the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBGS) and the Wildlife Health Specialist Group (WHSG). Since then Verne’ has been a voluntary veterinarian for Sea Shepherd and started a branch in Colombia. In 2012, Verne’ become a founding director of her own non-for-profit organization, the Australian Institute of Marine Rescue (AIMR) which she aims to build a marine rescue, rehabilitation and research center in New South Wales.
Managing Director for Sea Shepherd Australia, Jeff Hansen is proud to call Verne’ one of Sea Shepherd’s team stating that Verne’ is deserving of the honour and recognition.
“Verne’ has made an outstanding contribution in local, Australian and international communities within her field and to society, and has shown exceptional dedication and leadership in her profession,” Jeff said.
“This award further proves Verne’s high standards of excellence at a local, national and international level.”
Sea Shepherd looks forward to working closely with Verne’ on a number of projects within the future.
Dr Verné Dove attending a mass sperm whale stranding at a beach in Ardrossan on the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia, where seven sperm whales died after becoming stranded at low tide. Photo: Troy Saville